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How to using Klaviyo and Loloyal Email Campaigns
How to using Klaviyo and Loloyal Email Campaigns


With this integration with email service providers such as Klaviyo allows program data such as points balance, referral URL links and VIP status to be displayed in email campaigns and automations.


Use reward information to create new customer segment(s)
Use reward information to display in existing email flows
Use reward information to create new campaigns

Once connected, you'll have access to these Loloyal properties:
● Loloyal Point Balance
● Loloyal Birthday
● Loloyal Referral URL
● Loloyal State (membership in program)
● Loloyal VIP Tier Name

Use reward information to create new customer segment(s)
Segments are defined by a set of conditions. For example, a segment could include everyone who's joined your rewards program, have a certain amount of points, or in a specific VIP tier. Segments are typically used in three ways:

To send targeted campaigns

  • Instead of sending a reward campaign to your entire newsletter list, you can use a segment to build meaningful cross-sections of your list to which you can send more relevant content

To trigger email flows

  • If you would like to trigger an automated email flow whenever someone meets a set of conditions (i.e. has earned enough points to spend on a reward) for the first time, you can use a segment as the flow trigger.

For analysis

  • Since segments are automatically updated in real-time, they provide an easy way to see what's going on with your audience.

Common segments to create using reward information:

Reward program members:
Identify who they are within Klaviyo. Steps to create this segment are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Lists & Segments tab in your account and click Create List / Segment in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. Choose Create a Segment on the creation page. After clicking Create a Segment, you'll be taken to the segment builder.
  3. Select 'Properties about someone' as the segmentation condition
  4. Select the Loloyal State property and equals Member
  5. Click create segment and you're done!

Reward program members with enough points to spend on rewards:

  1. Navigate to the Lists & Segments tab in your account and click Create List / Segment in the upper right corner of the window.
  2. Choose Create a Segment on the creation page. After clicking Create a Segment, you'll be taken to the segment builder.
  3. Select 'Properties about someone' as the segmentation definition and select Loloyal Point Balance
  4. Set points targeting to be minimum rewards point cost (will depend on your rewards configuration)
  5. Click create segment and you're done!

Use reward information to display in existing email flows

A flow is an automated sequence that is set in motion by a specific trigger and then includes one or more steps. You can add more personalization and relevancy into your existing email flows by adding reward information.

Examples of popular flows where reward information can be added:
Welcome series flow - introduce subscribers to your brand and convert them into first-time customers

Objective: educate new members of your rewards program and motivate them to engage

Suggestions: add reward program information into this flow if subscribers have a Loloyal State = member

What to include:

You can include information like ways to earn points, ways to spend points, what their point balance is, and their referral URL.

Make sure to include a Loloyal deep link as your CTA to activate the Loloyal panel immediately upon visit

Post purchase flow

show appreciation for customers and let them know about related products they might be interested in

Objective: If they are members, let's motivate them to earn more points and/or refer their friends. If they are a candidate, let's get them to join the program by creating a store account.

Suggestions: add a dynamic variable to differentiate messaging based on a customer Loloyal State

📋 Note: The dynamic variable will be either: person|lookup:'Loloyal State' = 'member` or person|lookup:'Loloyal State' = 'candidate'

What to include:

● If they have a Loloyal State = member, update them on their points balance and remind them about your referral program.
● If they have a Loloyal State = candidate, notify them that they could've earned points for this order if they had created an account. Encourage them to create a store account and earn sign-up points.

Use reward information to create new campaigns
Running reward specific email campaigns that complement your program allows you to easily explain program elements to your audience, increasing participation and visibility!

Here are the most common email campaigns that are run with reward information:

Official launch campaign

Objective: Notify every customer that you have officially launched the program and encourage them to join.

Suggestions: set up a rewards segment that identifies who is already a part of the program and who is not (use Loloyal state = member/candidate). Send two different copies, one to a member who educates them on the program (as they are already a part of the program) and one to the candidates to get them to join.

What to include:

● Include visual elements from your Loloyal Panel, explainer page
● Loloyal Referral URL for each subscriber with an active account
● CTA: a deep link to where a customer can interact with Loloyal on-site

Points redemption campaign

● Objective: encourage customers to spend their points when they reach reward thresholds and are eligible to redeem.
● Suggestions: set up a rewards segment that identifies when customers have enough points to spend on a reward.

What to include:

● Loloyal Point Balance property
● The available reward(s)
● CTA: a deep link to where a customer can spend their points on that given reward

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