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How to connect with
How to connect with

Rewards for leaving reviews are an outstanding feature of our Loloyal :Loyalty, Rewards & Referrals app to encourage customers to show their feedback on products and services. Given the situation, we cooperate with other 3rd-party partners to offer various choices to Shopify merchants in selecting a stable and great review app.

Among them, is a highlighted app that supports e-stores in collecting and showing reviews such as photos and videos. Today, we will guide you on how to integrate Loloyal :Loyalty, Rewards & Referrals with Product Reviews.

Notice: To use the Write a review function on, you need to be on its Awesome plan.

Step 1:

On the left menu, go to Integrations >
To get the Private API token of the app, access > Settings > Integrations > Show API token > Copy Private token


Step 2:

Enter the Private token of into Private token > Click Connect


Here is how you can get the Private Token in your Account. 

From General Settings -> Integration -> View API Token. 

Step 3:

After connecting successfully, you can select Disconnect to remove the connection with the app.


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