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Growth Tools
Seamless points redemption at checkout
With points at checkout, your customers can easily use their points while paying. Once they log in, they can check their points balance, see available rewards, and redeem them with just one click. This feature helps increase sales, makes the loyalty program more visible, and encourages customer engagement.How to Add the Checkout Points Extension to Your Loyalty Program?Steps to Add the “Redeem at Checkout” App Block:1. Go to Shopify Admin → Settings → Checkout.2. Click Customize.3. In the left sidebar, click Add app block.4. Select the Loloyal - Redeem at Checkout app block.5. Click the Save button to confirm changes.Tip for Mobile Optimization:For the best experience, it's recommended to place the extension on the left side of checkout. It ensures better visibility on all screens, especially mobile.How to Use the Redeem Checkout Extension?The redeem checkout extension makes loyalty redemption easy and seamless for your customers. Here’s how it works:1. During checkout, a dropdown menu will show all available rewards and coupons.2. Customers can see which rewards or discounts they qualify for based on their points balance.3. They can select their preferred reward or coupon directly from the dropdown.4. Once chosen, the coupon is instantly applied to their order, without disrupting the checkout process.Q&AQ: How does Loloyal handle translations for the Redeem Checkout Extension?A: Loloyal automatically translates the content of the Redeem Checkout Extension based on your store’s multilingual settings. This ensures that customers who speak different languages can see content that is appropriate for their language preferences.Q: Can I customize the translations?A: Yes, you have the flexibility to manually edit or optimize these translations according to your specific needs. This allows you to tailor the language to better align with your store’s branding and meet the expectations of your customers.Q: How should I format multilingual text with hyperlinks?A: Use the format {{variable name, translation}}. For example, for a login button, you would write {{login, Log in}}. You can also include links, such as {{, Log in}}.Q: Why can only Shopify Plus merchants use the feature to edit the checkout page?A: Only merchants on Shopify Plus and above can edit the checkout page, allowing them to create a unique and personalized shopping experience that attracts more customers and boosts sales!
Creating and Utilizing Loloyal Deep Links to Access Loyalty Widget
For a better reading experience, please click here. Thank you!Enabling Loloyal Widget Through Inline links Using Deep linksAllow your customer to access any section of your widget through any interactive element on your website, or email.Loloyal Deep Links support you hide or change the button, or add new interactive elements to make it easy for them to reach any part of the widget.Any link, like text, images, menu items, or buttons, can open the widget. You can also use these links in automated emails or text messages. For example, if a customer clicks a button that says "check your points now!" in an email, it will take them to your website to view their points in the widget.What are the available deep links Loloyal is providing?#loloyal-home#loloyal-waystoearn#loloyal-waystoredeem#loloyal-referral#loloyal-vipThe examples below demonstrate how to use deep links across different elements:#loloyal-homeDisplays the customer's status for points, referrals, and VIP programs.#loloyal-waystoearnDisplays a list of ways that the customer can earn points.#loloyal-waystoredeemDisplays a list of items that the customer can redeem their points for.#loloyal-referralDisplays information about the referral program, including the customer's referral URL.#loloyal-vipDisplays the VIP tab where customers can view their VIP rewards after they have achieved them.Using Loloyal Deep LinksFor example:If you wish to access the home view of your Panel, you can utilize the following deep link: of opening the Loloyal homepage after clicking on an element in the website:Step 1: Find the element you want to trigger the Loloyal home page by clicking on it.Step 2: Copy the Loloyal Deep link. Like below: 3: Copy this link to the corresponding element.Tips: There are 2 important things to remember when using a Loloyal Deep Link:1. Make sure there is a ‘#’ before the deep link’s name.2. To prevent page refreshing on every click, remove trailing slashes from URLs. Like For example, it can be like this #loloyal-home.Tips: You can easily link these to buttons and text on your website or include them in emails. This will direct your customers straight to a page on your site where your Panel is ready to use!Accessing a Loloyal Deep Link through any buttonYou can effortlessly integrate Loloyal Deep Links into any button's HREF. Customers can explore your site uninterrupted and still access the panel quickly. Deep links can also open the Loloyal loyalty widget to specific areas. They can be added to Navigation, Menu items, and buttons. Using these links boosts customer engagement and new sign-ups.How to add a navigation link?Go to Shopify Admin >> Online Store >> NavigationClick "Main Menu”3. Click "Add Menu Item" and add "Name" (e.g. Rewards)4. Choose the Destination. Copy and paste it into "Link" and click "Add"A link will appear on your store navigation, the customers can click and open the loyalty widget.Here is how you can find the settings in Loloyal App. Step 1- Find the Brand Style Section.Step 2-Click for Growth Tools in the menu.Step 3- And choose Loloyal Link in the options.Congratulations! A button will now appear in your store's navigation. Customers can click it to open the loyalty widget. These Loyal Deep Links work just like regular URLs, so you can add them to your menu or navigation bar just like any other page link.Using Deep-Links in Email Marketing tools.Consider using the email button to redirect to the home view of your Panel as an example.Step 1: Find the button in your emailStep 2: Copy the Loloyal Deeplink link. Like 3: Copy this link to the corresponding button Link to URL🎁Done! Now your customers can click this button to access the home view of your Panel.