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Supported browsers and devices
Supported browsers and devices

Learn which browsers and devices are supported for the best customer experience.


For the best experience, Loloyal UI, Loloyal Admin, and Loloyal for Shopify POS are supported on the following browsers and devices.

  • Operating Systems
  • Mobile devices
  • Desktop browsers
  • Mobile browsers

    Operating Systems

  • Windows - latest two releases (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10)

  • Mac - latest two releases (High Sierra and Mojave)

    Mobile devices

  • Apple iPad - the latest two releases of iOS

  • Android Tablet - the latest two releases of Android

    Desktop browsers Safari - latest two releases for Mac

  • Safari - latest two releases for Mac

  • Chrome - latest two releases for Mac and PC

  • Firefox - latest two releases for Mac and PC

  • Edge - latest two releases for PC

    Mobile browsers

  • Samsung Internet - latest two releases for Android

  • Chrome Mobile - latest two releases for Android and iOS

  • Mobile Safari - latest two releases for iOS

  • 📋 Note: A release refers to the latest major version of a browser or device. For example, the latest two releases of Safari might be 10.x.x and 11.x.x, for iOS, this might be iOS 11.x.x or iOS 12.x.x.

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Getting Started with the Points Program
How to use Loloyal Label
How to earn and spend points on Loloyal