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How to use Loloyal Label
How to use Loloyal Label

Loloyal Label

The feature provides the ability to display the number of reward points a buyer can earn upon purchasing a particular product. This information is presented right next to the product price, which helps the buyer make a more informed decision. The system calculates the reward points based on the product's price, and the buyer can use these points to avail of discounts or other benefits in the future.

If your Shopify online store theme is version 1.0

Please navigate to "Brand Style" > "Growth Tools" > "Loloyal Label" and enable the label status.

Congratulations! Now you can view the label that shows how many points you will earn for purchasing the product.

If your Shopify online store theme is version 2.0

Please navigate to "Brand Style" > "Growth Tools" > "Loloyal Label" > "Go to theme editor".

Then, go to the themes edit page, select "Add section" or "Add block", and add Loloyal app. 

Now you can customize Loloyal label on the left side editing section. Once it's done, you can hold Loloyal block and move it to any place, for example, under the product price, then the label will display under your product price.

Please kindly note that if the label shows 0 points, it could be the product's price does not reach the amount you set for your customers to get points. 

It is suggested that you set a lower amount = lower points so all of your products can be assigned points to be earned. That will encourage the customers to buy more since every product has points to be earned. 💞

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our 24/7 live support. Thank you!

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Getting Started with the Points Program
Supported browsers and devices
How to earn and spend points on Loloyal