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Supercharge your subscription business with Loloyal
Supercharge your subscription business with Loloyal


Subscriptions app is designed specifically for eCommerce platforms, providing you with the tools to elevate your subscription business to new heights. With this powerful application, you can effortlessly manage and automate recurring payments, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your customers.

By integrating our loyalty and rewards platform, you can enhance customer engagement and retention. This integration allows you to reward your monthly subscribers, giving back to them for their loyalty. Whether it’s through exclusive discounts, points accumulation, or special promotions, you can create meaningful incentives that encourage continued subscriptions and foster a strong community around your brand.

Transform your subscription model into a thriving revenue stream while simultaneously nurturing customer relationships. Experience the benefits of combining efficient subscriptions processes with effective loyalty strategies today!


  • How to integrate Subscription APP with Loloyal?

  • How customers use their Subscription Rewards.

  • Kind tips.

How to integrate Subscription APP with Loloyal?

We know subscription software in Shopify is crucial for businesses due to its ability to establish predictable revenue streams, enhance customer loyalty, and reduce market uncertainties. By offering services or products on a recurring payment basis, businesses can secure stable income while fostering long-term customer relationships. This model not only boosts customer retention but also enables data-driven insights for personalized services and continuous product enhancements. Through subscriptions, Shopify merchants can mitigate sales fluctuations, cultivate a loyal customer base, and adapt offerings to meet evolving consumer needs effectively.

We only need the following steps to open subscription type coupons

Follow the instructions below to connect Loloyal and Subscriptions APP

1. Firstly, make sure that Subscriptions APP is installed. And you have successfully configured the subscription product feature in Seal Subscriptions.

2. Then, click "Enable Subscription Support" in Loloyal. Make sure the Subscription Support feature is enabled.

Note: The setting options of coupon purchase type will only appear in the following coupon types. *Amount Discount *Percentage Discount

3. Go to the Loloyal coupon settings to enable the different coupons to support subscription models. We need to set the purchase type of these coupons to Subscription or Both.

4. Congratulations, when all of this is done.You will start a new loyalty shopping journey for your customers.

How customers use their subscription rewards

To claim their subscription reward, your customers need to be logged in to their account in your shop.

Once they're logged in, they can navigate to the launcher for your rewards program and click on ways to redeem. The subscription coupon will be listed as one of the rewards you offer in your program. If they have enough points, they can redeem it by clicking the redeem button. Once they click redeem, a coupon code will appear in the customer panel. Customers can then either copy the code for immediate use or access it in the follow-up email automatically sent by Loloyal.

Kind tips

👉🏻Recurring payments for subscriptions refer to the number of times the coupon can be applied to a subscription order.

  • Limit discount to the first payment - It can be used on the first subscription order bill.

  • Limit discount to multiple recurring payments - It can be used on the first N subscription order bills.

  • Discount applies to all recurring payments - It can be used on all subscription order bills.

👉🏻Once we have an active Subscription Purchase Type in the Loyalty Settings, any discount can be added to a recurring order through the Customer Portal or within the Subscription Software Merchant Portal.

  • Discount amount

  • Percentage off

  • Free product

  • Free shipping

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