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Reward your members with points for visiting a URL.
Reward your members with points for visiting a URL.


Enhance your loyalty program by rewarding members for visiting a specific URL. This innovative feature provides a powerful way to offer customers action and reward while encouraging them to engage with content, offers, and promotions on and off your store's website.

Use cases

Here are several ways you can earn points through this method:

• Visit our website or explore a new product or page

• Sign a petition to support a cause

• Join our community on Discord, Slack, or other platforms

• Download our app or access our e-book

• Leave a review, whether it’s on Google or another platform

• Read a blog post and stay informed

• Complete a survey to share your feedback

• Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and exclusive content

• Watch a video on YouTube and engage with our content

How to Create a “Visit a URL” Way to Earn Points

1. From the Loloyal Admin Dashboard, navigate to Program > Points.

2. In the Earning Points section, click Add Ways to Earn.

3. Select Visit a URL as the earning method.

4. Fill in all the required fields on the page.

5. (Optional) For a more personalized look, either use the default icon or upload a custom one for your action.

6. Ensure the Status is set to ON.

7. Click Save.

8. To create additional “Visit a URL” actions, simply repeat these steps.

Content annotation

Action Name

This will be displayed in the “Ways to Earn” section on-site, such as in the Floating Widget or Dedicated Page. It describes the action customers need to complete to earn points. Make sure it’s written in the present tense (e.g., “Subscribe to our YouTube channel”).

Action Button Text

This is the text displayed on the button that customers will click. Common examples include: “Visit,” “Click Here,” “Earn Now,” or “Get Points.”


Enter the URL you want customers to visit when they click the button. This can be any URL, whether it’s from your Shopify store or an external site. The URL must start with http:// or https://.

Points awarded

Specify the number of points customers will receive after completing the action.


Set a limit on how many times each customer can complete this action.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I create more than one "Visit a URL" way to earn points?

Yes, you can create as many as you'd like.

2. How do customers earn points for visiting a URL?

Customers earn points for visiting a URL in a similar way to Social Media-based earning methods. Points are awardedshortly after the customer clicks the button. Therefore, it’s important that your Action Name clearly describes what you want the customer to do once they visit the URL.

For example, if your goal is to make customers Join your community on Discord, a poor Action Name would be "Join our community on Discord," whereas a more effective Action Name would be "Join our community on Discord and get special rewards"

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