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Instructions about the Loloyal Plan
Instructions about the Loloyal Plan

This instruction is directed at answering the most common questions regarding billing at Loloyal.

What does "Usage quota" mean?
🛍️1 order = 1 usage quota. All orders placed in your Shopify store and Shopify POS system will count.

🛍️Orders placed as rewards for past actions do not count towards the quota.

What does "Orders usage reset cycle" mean?

The orders usage reset cycle refers to your recurring order usage cycle of 30 days. This cycle will begin on your installation date and will repeat every 30 days.

What does "Billing subscription cycle" mean?
The billing subscription cycle refers to the recurring cycle of your subscription to an app. The first day of the cycle will start from the first day you subscribe to an APP, and will cycle every 30 days, repeating over and over again.
Suppose your store sets up Loloyal on June 1, 2024. In this scenario, your next usage reset date will be June 30, 2024.
At the same time, if your store begins subscribing to Loloyal on June 14, 2024, then the first day of your subscription cycle will be June 14, 2024. It's important to understand that the subscription process does not impact the usage reset date.

Can I change my plan in the middle of the billing cycle?
Yes, you can change your plan at any time based on your needs. Changing your plan follows the rules:
📈 Upgrading your plan takes effect immediately, and the subscription charge is prorated based on the difference in price and the number of days remaining in the billing cycle.
Learn more about Shopify APPS subscription policy from the article.
📉Downgrading your plan will take effect immediately.
🛠 Switching from an annual plan to a monthly plan will take effect immediately.

How about the free trial?

All paid plans come with the same free trial period. During this period, there are no charges for consumption. Enjoy it! 😘

Need help?
Feel free to contact us via online chat or email, our world-class 24/7 support team is always glad to help you🧐

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