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Boost your marketing efforts with a Limited-time offer campaign
Boost your marketing efforts with a Limited-time offer campaign

How can you hold a limited-time, multi-time promotional points event to promote your e-commerce website? 

In the process, you can also reward customers with limited-time offers. Through this kind of event, you can effectively activate those inactive members and attract them to re-engage. Such promotions can not only motivate more buyers to register as users but also attract different types of consumers through points and rewards, thereby encouraging them to become loyal supporters of your brand! 😄


How to start your campaign right away.

Improve your marketing efforts

How to start your campaign right away

1. To edit your current "Limited-time offer" follow these steps: Navigate to Program > Limited-time offer > Click Add event - then edit the name of the offer, the start and end dates for the offer, and the expiration date for the points that can be earned during these Limited-time offers.

2. Enter the increased point value you would like to award (e.g. if your current "Place an order" rule is 2 points per $1 spent, you could increase it to 4 points per $1 spent for a "Double Points" promotion!)

Tips: The rules for Points multiples are as follows. Suppose customer can get 100 points according to the sign up rules you set. 

● If you fill in 2, the user will get 200 points when the event is started 

● If you fill in 3, the user will get 300 points when the event is started 

● and so on 

Calculation formula : Points obtained by the customer during the event = Points of the original rules * Points multiples

3. Add some special coupons that can only be redeemed during the event, and set these coupons as special discounts. These coupons can greatly increase your buyers' willingness to buy.

4. Click Save - the event will start at the start time you set and end at the end time you set.

Improve your marketing efforts

Create an email or social media campaign message and send it to all members. This marketing message should include the following elements:

  • Promotion Name: For example, Store Anniversary Double Points Limited-Time Event

  • Event Dates: For example, a special Christmas Double Points event, held only from December 21 to December 25.

  • Redemption Rules: It’s best to include details about the rewards to help customers understand what prizes they can redeem with their points.

Create a second campaign message to inform your members about the official launch of the rewards points program. The second email should include the following:

  • Announcement of Reward Points Activation: The Christmas Double Points event is now live, and we have prepared exquisite products for you.

  • Call to Action (CTA) to Visit Your Store Homepage Immediately, encouraging buyers to start shopping right away!

Create an email campaign and send this message to all non-members. This message should include:

  • Details of upcoming promotions (e.g. double points for Christmas!)

  • This promotion is only available to all registered members, sign up now to get more benefits

  • Include a CTA to sign up for a store account (your store's native sign-up page)

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Getting Started with the VIP Program
How to set up the points expiry
Automatically adjust points on refunded or cancelled orders
Setting up your VIP Tiers with Loloyal
Reward customers for their birthdays
Deciding How Much Points are Worth
Points for Purchases Campaign